Elering, AST, and Litgrid, electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) of the Baltic states, have notified Russian and Belarusian operators on the non-extension of the BRELL agreement, which is bound to expire in February of 2025. At that time, the three Baltic states will decouple from Russian and Belarusian grids to join the Continental Europe Synchronous Area.
1 月 前 自昨晚以来,乌克兰防空部队击落了 2 架 Shahed 攻击无人机、4 架 Orlan-10、2 架 Zala、1 架 Supercam 和 1 架不明侦察无人机。此外,2 架 Shahed 无人机在白俄罗斯领空失去踪迹
1 月 前 一架 Shahed 无人机进入白俄罗斯领空,飞抵 Mahilou。白俄罗斯空军 Su-30 和 Mi-24 起飞拦截
In Belarus, nine political prisoners were released under the amnesty law, - the Belarusian human rights center Viasna reports. Among those released were three women and six men, including the head of the opposition party Belarusian Popular Front Grigory Kostusev
Belarus joins Shanghai Cooperation Organization
2 月 前 Tokayev announced a decision on full membership of Belarus in the SCO
2 月 前 带有"核"标志的伊斯坎德尔导弹发射器在明斯克阅兵式上亮相
2 月 前 白俄罗斯前驻德国大使在遭受克格勃酷刑后自杀 - Nasha Niva
Polish Border Guards: On June 17, 80 attempts to illegally enter Poland were recorded on the border with Belarus. Stones and tree branches were thrown at Polish patrols
据报道,白俄罗斯在 2018 年至 2022 年期间向阿塞拜疆提供了先进武器,使其在与亚美尼亚的一系列战争中占据上风。白俄罗斯和亚美尼亚都是俄罗斯主导的集体安全条约组织 (CSTO) 的成员
Armenia summoned its ambassador in Minsk to Yerevan for consultations
3 月 前 白俄罗斯新波洛茨克附近的纳夫坦炼油厂发生火灾,1人受伤
Hołownia: Soldiers on the border have the right and should shoot at the bandits attacking them