至少有 5 列涉嫌运输俄罗斯核弹头(或相关零部件/设备)的列车最近抵达白俄罗斯,前往巴拉诺维奇-波列斯基耶站和卢尼涅茨站。预计 10 月/11 月有 3 趟列车前往普鲁多克
1 年 前 白俄罗斯克格勃声称拘留了乌克兰安全部门的3个破坏分子小组
1 年 前 Polish Border Guard: On October 10, 2009, 5 foreigners tried to cross illegally, they approached the barrier, and when they saw the patrols, they turned back. The events took place in the following sections: PSGMielnik, 3 foreigners. PSGDubiczeCerkiewne 2 foreigners. This month there were 340 attempts, this year - 21 thousand
President of Belarus: The demands to withdraw Wagner forces from our lands are baseless
Russian Security Council: Deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus is a response to Western aggression
US Department of State: The United States condemns the Lukashenka government’s decision to label @Viasna96 Human Rights Center an “extremist formation.” We stand in solidarity with the people of Belarus and their legitimate demands for accountability and respect for human rights
1 年 前 总统@andrzejduda回应卢卡申科最近的言论:我们非常希望与白俄罗斯建立正常关系。但是,让与白俄罗斯的正常关系从结束对我们边境的混合袭击开始
After his visit to Moscow the Chinese Defense Minister begins his official visit to Belarus
救援人员扑灭了戈梅利州莫济里市莫济里炼油厂 OJSC 境内汽油生产装置阀门上的火苗
美国财政部外国资产控制办公室 (OFAC) 对白俄罗斯政府相关的 8 名人员和 5 个组织实施制裁,其中包括白俄罗斯航空公司
1 年 前 白俄罗斯武装部队在该国西部边境进行了"接近真实战争条件"的大规模演习
1 年 前 乌克兰安全部门警告瓦格纳 PMC 在莫济里炼油厂进行假旗操作
Josep Borrell: We have adopted new sanctions in reaction to Lukashenka regime's human rights violations & repression against the Belarusian people & against its complicity in Russia's war against Ukraine. We stand by the Belarusian people in their quest for peace & democracy. EU imposes new sanctions against 38 people & 3 entities sectoral restrictions on firearms, aviation and space industry
1 年 前 苏瓦乌基总理@MorawieckiM:我们警告不要来自俄罗斯和白俄罗斯的挑衅。瓦格纳集团可能会进行破坏行动,所有低估这一威胁的人都可能要为该方的进一步挑衅和阴谋负责