2 七一 2024
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto arrived in Belarus on board the Hungarian Dassault Falcon 7X government business jet, which landed at Minsk National Airport at 08:18 today. He will participate in the international conference “Eurasian security: reality and prospects in a transforming world.”8 月 前
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto arrived in Belarus on board the Hungarian Dassault Falcon 7X government business jet, which landed at Minsk National Airport at 08:18 today. He will participate in the international conference “Eurasian security: reality and prospects in a transforming world.”
拉夫罗夫部长抵达白俄罗斯外交部8 月 前
8 月 前
In Belarus, the deputy interior minister Karpenkou said, that according to the government assessment, some 350,000 Belarusians left the country after the mass anti-Lukashenka protests of 2020 and subsequent repressions
8 月 前
Iran VP visits Minsk, meeting senior Belarus officials and discussing promotion of bilateral ties. Iran’s VP Mohammad Mokhber arrived in Minsk and was welcomed by Belarus PM. Both officials met discussing trade and political relations
Loud explosion was reported in Kolodishi near Minsk8 月 前
Loud explosion was reported in Kolodishi near Minsk
9 月 前
9 月 前
9 月 前
9 月 前
It's propaganda
9 月 前
9 月 前
至少有 5 列涉嫌运输俄罗斯核弹头(或相关零部件/设备)的列车最近抵达白俄罗斯,前往巴拉诺维奇-波列斯基耶站和卢尼涅茨站。预计 10 月/11 月有 3 趟列车前往普鲁多克
白俄罗斯克格勃声称拘留了乌克兰安全部门的3个破坏分子小组9 月 前
Polish Border Guard: On October 10, 2009, 5 foreigners tried to cross illegally, they approached the barrier, and when they saw the patrols, they turned back. The events took place in the following sections: PSGMielnik, 3 foreigners. PSGDubiczeCerkiewne 2 foreigners. This month there were 340 attempts, this year - 21 thousand9 月 前
Polish Border Guard: On October 10, 2009, 5 foreigners tried to cross illegally, they approached the barrier, and when they saw the patrols, they turned back. The events took place in the following sections: PSGMielnik, 3 foreigners. PSGDubiczeCerkiewne 2 foreigners. This month there were 340 attempts, this year - 21 thousand
10 月 前
10 月 前
10 月 前
President of Belarus: The demands to withdraw Wagner forces from our lands are baseless
10 月 前
乌克兰和白俄罗斯边境多枚反坦克地雷爆炸10 月 前
10 月 前
Russian Security Council: Deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus is a response to Western aggression
10 月 前
10 月 前
10 月 前
10 月 前
US Department of State: The United States condemns the Lukashenka government’s decision to label @Viasna96 Human Rights Center an “extremist formation.” We stand in solidarity with the people of Belarus and their legitimate demands for accountability and respect for human rights
10 月 前
10 月 前
After his visit to Moscow the Chinese Defense Minister begins his official visit to Belarus
10 月 前
救援人员扑灭了戈梅利州莫济里市莫济里炼油厂 OJSC 境内汽油生产装置阀门上的火苗