12 九 2024
白俄罗斯前驻德国大使在遭受克格勃酷刑后自杀 - Nasha Niva2 月 前
白俄罗斯前驻德国大使在遭受克格勃酷刑后自杀 - Nasha Niva
2 月 前
Polish Border Guards: On June 17, 80 attempts to illegally enter Poland were recorded on the border with Belarus. Stones and tree branches were thrown at Polish patrols
3 月 前
据报道,白俄罗斯在 2018 年至 2022 年期间向阿塞拜疆提供了先进武器,使其在与亚美尼亚的一系列战争中占据上风。白俄罗斯和亚美尼亚都是俄罗斯主导的集体安全条约组织 (CSTO) 的成员
Armenia summoned its ambassador in Minsk to Yerevan for consultations
白俄罗斯新波洛茨克附近的纳夫坦炼油厂发生火灾,1人受伤3 月 前
3 月 前
3 月 前
Hołownia: Soldiers on the border have the right and should shoot at the bandits attacking them
On June 6 in the afternoon at the Military Medical Institute in Warsaw, surrounded by the support of his family and soldiers, a soldier of the 1st Armored Brigade died. Despite the help provided in the area of the bandit attack on the border with Belarus and the efforts of doctors, his life could not be saved"
@EUCouncil 正在对俄罗斯和白俄罗斯的粮食征收更高的关税。这将:防止欧盟市场不稳定;停止俄罗斯从乌克兰非法获取的粮食出口;削减俄罗斯用于资助侵略战争的收入
3 月 前
Lukashenka signed a law on the suspension of Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe
波兰副总理 W. @KosiniakKamysz:额外的士兵 @_6BPD_ 被派往白俄罗斯边境。还派出了额外的设备。军官 @Straz_Graniczna 为士兵提供了急救,对此我要感谢他。正如乌克兰战争所表明的那样,战壕里的朋友往往是第一个提供帮助的人。我还要感谢三年来一直守护安全的士兵们的奉献精神。如有必要,我们准备增加边境波兰军队士兵的数量
3 月 前
We will restore the buffer zone approximately 200 meters from the border, where it is necessary for the effective operation of services, said Prime Minister Donald Tusk.
Prime Minister @DonaldTusk in Dubicze Cerkiewne: We came here today to say that in every situation, especially as dramatic as the attack on our soldier, the Polish state is on the side of soldiers and Border Guard officers
Today, around 4:30 a.m., a Polish Army soldier was injured after being stabbed by a foreigner trying to break through the barrier at the border during an attack by a group of approximately 50 people. A few hours earlier, a guard was hit by a broken bottle, another was injured with an improvised spear (a stick with a knife).3 月 前
Today, around 4:30 a.m., a Polish Army soldier was injured after being stabbed by a foreigner trying to break through the barrier at the border during an attack by a group of approximately 50 people. A few hours earlier, a guard was hit by a broken bottle, another was injured with an improvised spear (a stick with a knife).
A soldier was injured today after being stabbed by a migrant trying to cross the barrier on the border with Belarus. Earlier, Border Guard officers were injured. One of them was hit with a broken bottle, another was injured after being attacked with a tool to which a knife was attached.3 月 前
A soldier was injured today after being stabbed by a migrant trying to cross the barrier on the border with Belarus. Earlier, Border Guard officers were injured. One of them was hit with a broken bottle, another was injured after being attacked with a tool to which a knife was attached.
3 月 前
白俄罗斯国防部报告称,白俄罗斯和俄罗斯空军将于 5 月 27 日至 5 月 31 日举行联合训练
3 月 前
3 月 前
卢卡申科表示,他与普京讨论了应对联盟国边境威胁的方案3 月 前
3 月 前
Rosatom is ready, if necessary, to build a second nuclear power plant in Belarus - Head of Rosatom
3 月 前
普京抵达白俄罗斯进行正式访问3 月 前
3 月 前