Lukašenko nariadil vysokú pohotovosť pre všetky zložky ministerstva vnútra vrátane vnútorných jednotiek
10 Mesiac Pred Lukašenko sa s Alijevom stretol v Petrohrade
Lukašenko, Pašinjan a Tokajev pricestovali na stretnutie Eurázijskej hospodárskej únie v Petrohrade
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Belarusian Foreign Minister Sergei Aleynik signed a program of coordinated actions in foreign policy for 2024-2026
The European Parliament has overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling on Belarus to release over 1500 political prisoners
11 Mesiac Pred Výbuchy a požiare boli hlásené na rozvodni vo Vitebsku, výpadok v niektorých okresoch
Šéf bieloruskej KGB uviedol, že sedem skupín v Poľsku sa pripravuje na zabavenie predmetov a vykonanie teroristických útokov v krajine - BELTA
Ruská FSB zadržala občana Bieloruska a obvinila ho zo sabotérskeho útoku na železnici vo východnom Rusku v mene ukrajinských služieb
Lukašenko z Bieloruska sa stretol so Si Ťin-pchingom v Pekingu
11 Mesiac Pred Putin pricestoval do bieloruského Minska na summit ODKB
Lavrov and the head of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry discussed by telephone the issues of integration of the union state and bilateral cooperation - Russian Foreign Ministry
Armenia asked its partners in the Collective Security Treaty Organization to remove the document on assistance to the country from the agenda, Secretary General of the organization Imangali Tasmagambetov said at a meeting with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenka.
Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan refused to participate in the CSTO summit in Minsk
Polish Border Guard: On November 1, 86 people tried to cross the border from Belarus illegally. citizens of Iran, Somalia, including 18 people At the sight of the patrols, 18 people turned back to PSG Białowieża after crossed the river illegally. At PSG Dubicze Cerkiewne patrols were thrown with stones
Latvian border guards released a video showing unidentified individuals bringing two motionless bodies to the fence on the Belarusian border. The Belarus government had previously accused Latvia of neglecting migrants at the border
Zelenskyj dnes večer povedal lídrom EUCO: „Buď vyhrá celá naša Európa s vami – spolu s Ukrajinou, spolu s Moldavskom a v budúcnosti spolu s Bieloruskom a Gruzínskom – alebo zvíťazí minulosť."
1 Rok Pred Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto arrived in Belarus on board the Hungarian Dassault Falcon 7X government business jet, which landed at Minsk National Airport at 08:18 today. He will participate in the international conference “Eurasian security: reality and prospects in a transforming world.”
1 Rok Pred Minister Lavrov pricestoval na ministerstvo zahraničných vecí Bieloruska
In Belarus, the deputy interior minister Karpenkou said, that according to the government assessment, some 350,000 Belarusians left the country after the mass anti-Lukashenka protests of 2020 and subsequent repressions
Iran VP visits Minsk, meeting senior Belarus officials and discussing promotion of bilateral ties. Iran’s VP Mohammad Mokhber arrived in Minsk and was welcomed by Belarus PM. Both officials met discussing trade and political relations
1 Rok Pred Loud explosion was reported in Kolodishi near Minsk
Bielorusko ohlásilo previerku bojovej pripravenosti armády
Lukašenko zakazuje civilistom v Bielorusku získavať, skladovať alebo spúšťať civilné UAV
Lotyšsko zatvára jeden z dvoch hraničných priechodov s Bieloruskom. Hraničný priechod Silene
It's propaganda
Na stretnutí s Putinom v Soči Lukašenko tvrdil, že poľské jednotky sú sformované a pripravené na vstup na Ukrajinu
Lukašenko mieri do Ruska na pracovnú návštevu, aby sa 15. septembra stretol s Putinom
Najmenej 5 vlakov podozrivých z prepravy ruských jadrových hlavíc (alebo súvisiacich častí/súčiastok/zariadení) nedávno dorazilo do Bieloruska na stanice Baranovichi-Polesskiye a Luninets. V októbri/novembri sa očakávajú 3 vlaky do Prudoku
1 Rok Pred Bieloruská KGB tvrdí, že zadržiava 3 sabotérske cely Bezpečnostnej služby Ukrajiny
1 Rok Pred Polish Border Guard: On October 10, 2009, 5 foreigners tried to cross illegally, they approached the barrier, and when they saw the patrols, they turned back. The events took place in the following sections: PSGMielnik, 3 foreigners. PSGDubiczeCerkiewne 2 foreigners. This month there were 340 attempts, this year - 21 thousand
Cvičenia Zapad sa tento rok konať nebudú - Shoigu