6 November 2024
2 jaar geleden
Wit-Russische strijdkrachten en het Russische westelijke militaire district lanceren gezamenlijke luchtmacht en luchtverdedigingsoefening
2 jaar geleden
Russische troepen beschoten Oekraïense grenswachten in het dorp Senkivka in de regio Tsjernihiv met granaatwerpers
2 jaar geleden
Premier van Wit-Rusland Golovchenko had telefoongesprek met premier van Rusland Mishustin
2 jaar geleden
Oekraïense luchtverdediging heeft 4 kruisraketten neergeschoten die zijn gelanceerd door Su-35-vliegtuigen op het vliegveld van Baranovychy
Russische troepen hebben vandaag twee keer de grenspost Senkivka in de regio Tsjernihiv beschoten2 jaar geleden
Russische troepen hebben vandaag twee keer de grenspost Senkivka in de regio Tsjernihiv beschoten
2 jaar geleden
Wit-Russische grenswachten beweerden gisteravond quadcopter neer te halen aan de grens met Litouwen
2 jaar geleden
It's propaganda
Minister van Veiligheidsraad van Wit-Rusland waarschuwt voor provocaties uit Oekraïne om Wit-Rusland bij de oorlog te betrekken
Vluchtbeperkingszone boven Wit-Rusland werd verlengd tot 10 mei. De beperkingszone voor vluchten van alle typen burgerluchtvaartuigen (inclusief UAV) in het zuidelijke deel van Wit-Rusland op hoogte van 0 tot 19.800 meter werd verlengd van 11 april tot 10 mei 20222 jaar geleden
Vluchtbeperkingszone boven Wit-Rusland werd verlengd tot 10 mei. De beperkingszone voor vluchten van alle typen burgerluchtvaartuigen (inclusief UAV) in het zuidelijke deel van Wit-Rusland op hoogte van 0 tot 19.800 meter werd verlengd van 11 april tot 10 mei 2022
2 jaar geleden
Belarus has limited the export of salt and sugar, flour and pasta
2 jaar geleden
Poetin: onderhandelingen Oekraïne lopen op een dood spoor
2 jaar geleden
It's propaganda
Poetin na ontmoeting met Loekasjenka: oorlog in Oekraïne verloopt volgens aanvankelijk plan van de generale staf van de strijdkrachten van Rusland
Loekasjenka en Poetin zijn aangekomen in de ruimtehaven Vostochny in het oosten van Rusland2 jaar geleden
Loekasjenka en Poetin zijn aangekomen in de ruimtehaven Vostochny in het oosten van Rusland
2 jaar geleden
Wit-Russische grenswachten beschuldigden Poolse wetshandhavingsinstanties van aanval op grenscontrolepost Piaschatka met katapult
Russisch militair konvooi gefilmd in Novozybkov, regio Bryansk2 jaar geleden
Russisch militair konvooi gefilmd in Novozybkov, regio Bryansk
2 jaar geleden
From April 8, the EU countries stopped, the passage of vehicles registered in the Russian Federation and Belarus, - the Federal Customs Service of Russia reported
President Biden has signed into law the Suspending Normal Trade Relations with Russia and Belarus Act
2 jaar geleden
The Supreme Court of Belarus has declared Nexta's canal network a terrorist organization
2 jaar geleden
Belarus introduces state regulation of prices for certain non-food products, including soap, toilet paper, toothpaste
Wreckage of cruise missile was found near David-Haradok, local residents say they heard an explosion. It's known that today after 11:00, residents of Tsiareblichy, Azdamichy and Algomel (Brest region) villages heard a strong rumble, then heard an explosion and saw smoke2 jaar geleden
Wreckage of cruise missile was found near David-Haradok, local residents say they heard an explosion. It's known that today after 11:00, residents of Tsiareblichy, Azdamichy and Algomel (Brest region) villages heard a strong rumble, then heard an explosion and saw smoke
2 jaar geleden
Lukashenka claims that Belarusian special forces conducted operation to release truck drivers stuck in Ukraine, so perfect no one noticed it. No evidences or details will be provided
2 jaar geleden
Belarus will fulfill its obligations to certain foreign creditors in Belarusian rubles, the Council of Ministers of Belarus said
2 jaar geleden
Lukashenka said that Russian-Ukrainian negotiations cannot take place without the participation of Belarus
These 3 young Belarusians were violently arrested by the police of dictator Lukashenka They were shot and abused. Their crime Being suspected of having sabotaged railway lines to prevent the Russian war effort.
Two Belarusian citizens have heard accusations of espionage for the country's intelligence services, a spokesman for the District Prosecutor's Office in Poznań informed PAP on Wednesday. Their arrest took place on Monday; the suspects were arrested
14:00 A column of Belarusian and Russian military equipment was moving along the M8 highway towards the Novaya Huta border crossing point. The equipment includes MAZ trucks, KamAZ and Ural trucks, Tornado-U. Some of the vehicles are marked with V2 jaar geleden
14:00 A column of Belarusian and Russian military equipment was moving along the M8 highway towards the Novaya Huta border crossing point. The equipment includes MAZ trucks, KamAZ and Ural trucks, Tornado-U. Some of the vehicles are marked with "V"
Russian army have stolen power generators from electrical station in Ivankiv, Kyiv region. Video of convoy with them filmed in Mozyr, Belarus2 jaar geleden
Russian army have stolen power generators from electrical station in Ivankiv, Kyiv region. Video of convoy with them filmed in Mozyr, Belarus
Ukrainian Air Defense shot down 3 of 4 missiles launched by 2 Su-35 from Belarusian airspace. 4th missile damaged and missed a target2 jaar geleden
Ukrainian Air Defense shot down 3 of 4 missiles launched by 2 Su-35 from Belarusian airspace. 4th missile damaged and missed a target
Movement of columns of Russian equipment from 13:00 to 14:30  13:30. A large column of about 50 Russian vehicles with V marks was moving from Talochyn towards Orsha (Vitebsk region) along the M1 highway2 jaar geleden
Movement of columns of Russian equipment from 13:00 to 14:30 13:30. A large column of about 50 Russian vehicles with "V" marks was moving from Talochyn towards Orsha (Vitebsk region) along the M1 highway
Wargaming @wargaming_net stops its operations in Belarus and Russia, @devby reports2 jaar geleden
Wargaming @wargaming_net stops its operations in Belarus and Russia, @devby reports
11:30 A train partially loaded with military equipment was seen at Kalodzishchy railway station (Minsk district). The vehicles are marked with V2 jaar geleden
11:30 A train partially loaded with military equipment was seen at Kalodzishchy railway station (Minsk district). The vehicles are marked with "V"