6 אוקטובר 2024
2 שנה לפני
The head of the State Border Committee of Belarus said that he authorized the use of weapons in an attempt to capture the Belarusian border guards by the Polish security forces
Echelon with military equipment filmed in Kalinkavichy2 שנה לפני
Echelon with military equipment filmed in Kalinkavichy
Military convoy on M1 highway2 שנה לפני
Military convoy on M1 highway
Military echelon with tanks filmed in Gomel region of Belarus
NATO is "considering to further enhance its presence in the eastern part of the Alliance. This could include the deployment of additional NATO battlegroups," says @jensstoltenberg
2 שנה לפני
לוקשנקה חתם על צו לכינוס מושב יוצא דופן של הפרלמנט ב-27 בינואר. לא הוסברה סיבה
Parliamentarians of 11 countries issued a joint statement on the entry of Russian troops into Belarus. The statement says that the deployment of Russian troops in Belarus not only poses a threat to Ukraine,Poland and Lithuania, but could also be a part of a plan to occupy Belarus2 שנה לפני
Parliamentarians of 11 countries issued a joint statement on the entry of Russian troops into Belarus. The statement says that the deployment of Russian troops in Belarus not only poses a threat to Ukraine,Poland and Lithuania, but could also be a part of a plan to occupy Belarus
A column of military equipment was spotted today (24.01), moving from Gomel along the M5 highway towards Zhlobin
Belarusian opposition group Cyber-Partisans reported an attack on the computer network of Belarusian Railways.  They have encrypted the bulk of Belarusian Railways servers, databases and workstations to slow down and disrupt the operation of the railway on which trains with Russian troops arrive in Belarus2 שנה לפני
Belarusian opposition group "Cyber-Partisans" reported an attack on the computer network of Belarusian Railways. They have encrypted the bulk of Belarusian Railways servers, databases and workstations to slow down and disrupt the operation of the railway on which trains with Russian troops arrive in Belarus
Another Russian military echelon arrived at Polonka station in Belarus(according to Ministry of Defense of Belarus). Again marines and vehicles with painted-over numbers2 שנה לפני
Another Russian military echelon arrived at Polonka station in Belarus(according to Ministry of Defense of Belarus). Again marines and vehicles with painted-over numbers
Military column crossing the road in Kamenka filmed near Mozyr2 שנה לפני
Military column crossing the road in Kamenka filmed near Mozyr
Video of military column leaving the base in Kaluga region2 שנה לפני
Video of military column leaving the base in Kaluga region
2 שנה לפני
Lukashenka: we will have to deploy a whole contingent of the Belarusian army near the Ukrainian border
Military column was filmed in Yelsk, Gomel region yesterday2 שנה לפני
Military column was filmed in Yelsk, Gomel region yesterday
Belarusian and Russian Air Forces have conducted joint patrol over Belarus2 שנה לפני
Belarusian and Russian Air Forces have conducted joint patrol over Belarus
2 שנה לפני
The US Embassy in Belarus: We warn our citizens of unusual Russian military activities on the borders of Ukraine
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia: We are reaching the point where continuous Russian and Belarusian military buildup in Europe needs to be addressed by appropriate NATO countermeasures. It is time to increase allied forces presence in the Alliance's Eastern flank both as measures of defense and deterrence
2 שנה לפני
Belarus can respond to the threats of the US State Department against the republic, - Lukashenka said
2 שנה לפני
Lukashenka said that he does not need a war, but accused "Americans are pushing for these actions"
2 שנה לפני
Lukashenka said that he would never allow the occupation of Belarus
Military echelon filmed in Lida2 שנה לפני
Military echelon filmed in Lida
Military convoy filmed in Mglin, Bryansk region of Russia
Tanks column filmed in Belarus near Kamenka2 שנה לפני
Tanks column filmed in Belarus near Kamenka
Military convoy filmed on M1 highway2 שנה לפני
Military convoy filmed on M1 highway
Military echelon filmed in Yelsk2 שנה לפני
Military echelon filmed in Yelsk
Logging in Radioecological reserve Polesie, possible for construction of runway2 שנה לפני
Logging in Radioecological reserve Polesie, possible for construction of runway
Military echelon filmed in Orsha2 שנה לפני
Military echelon filmed in Orsha
More activity near Rechytsa seen at Sentinel images, near the site where military column moved through the fields
Unloading of MBTs filmed in Rechytsa2 שנה לפני
Unloading of MBTs filmed in Rechytsa
Military echelon filmed at Vasilievichy station2 שנה לפני
Military echelon filmed at Vasilievichy station