El primer ministro de Bielorrusia, Golovchenko, tuvo una llamada telefónica con el primer ministro de Rusia, Mishustin
La defensa aérea ucraniana derribó 4 misiles de crucero lanzados por aviones Su-35 con base en el aeródromo de Baranovychy
2 año atrás Las tropas rusas bombardearon el puesto de control fronterizo de Senkivka en la región de Chernihiv dos veces hoy.
Los guardias fronterizos de Bielorrusia afirmaron haber derribado un quadcopter en la frontera con Lituania ayer por la noche.
It's propaganda
Secretario del consejo de seguridad de Bielorrusia advierte sobre provocaciones de Ucrania para involucrar a Bielorrusia en la guerra
2 año atrás La zona de restricción de vuelos sobre Bielorrusia se amplió hasta el 10 de mayo. La zona restringida para vuelos de todo tipo de aeronaves civiles (incluidos UAV) en la zona sur de Bielorrusia a una altitud de 0 a 19.800 metros se amplió del 11 de abril al 10 de mayo de 2022
Belarus has limited the export of salt and sugar, flour and pasta
Putin dice que conversaciones con Ucrania están en un callejón sin salida
It's propaganda
Putin después de reunirse con Lukashenka: la guerra en Ucrania va de acuerdo con el plan inicial del Estado Mayor General de las Fuerzas Armadas de Rusia
2 año atrás Lukashenka y Putin llegaron al puerto espacial Vostochny en el este de Rusia
Los guardias fronterizos de Bielorrusia acusaron a las fuerzas del orden polacas de atacar el puesto de control fronterizo Piaschatka con una honda
2 año atrás Convoy militar ruso filmado en Novozybkov, región de Bryansk
A partir del 8 de abril, los países de la UE detuvieron el paso de vehículos registrados en la Federación Rusa y Bielorrusia, - informó el Servicio Federal de Aduanas de Rusia.
El presidente Biden promulgó la Ley de Suspensión de las Relaciones Comerciales Normales con Rusia y Bielorrusia
The Supreme Court of Belarus has declared Nexta's canal network a terrorist organization
Belarus introduces state regulation of prices for certain non-food products, including soap, toilet paper, toothpaste
2 año atrás Wreckage of cruise missile was found near David-Haradok, local residents say they heard an explosion. It's known that today after 11:00, residents of Tsiareblichy, Azdamichy and Algomel (Brest region) villages heard a strong rumble, then heard an explosion and saw smoke
Lukashenka claims that Belarusian special forces conducted operation to release truck drivers stuck in Ukraine, so perfect no one noticed it. No evidences or details will be provided
Belarus will fulfill its obligations to certain foreign creditors in Belarusian rubles, the Council of Ministers of Belarus said
Lukashenka said that Russian-Ukrainian negotiations cannot take place without the participation of Belarus
2 año atrás These 3 young Belarusians were violently arrested by the police of dictator Lukashenka They were shot and abused. Their crime Being suspected of having sabotaged railway lines to prevent the Russian war effort.
Two Belarusian citizens have heard accusations of espionage for the country's intelligence services, a spokesman for the District Prosecutor's Office in Poznań informed PAP on Wednesday. Their arrest took place on Monday; the suspects were arrested
2 año atrás 14:00 A column of Belarusian and Russian military equipment was moving along the M8 highway towards the Novaya Huta border crossing point. The equipment includes MAZ trucks, KamAZ and Ural trucks, Tornado-U. Some of the vehicles are marked with "V"
2 año atrás Russian army have stolen power generators from electrical station in Ivankiv, Kyiv region. Video of convoy with them filmed in Mozyr, Belarus
2 año atrás Ukrainian Air Defense shot down 3 of 4 missiles launched by 2 Su-35 from Belarusian airspace. 4th missile damaged and missed a target
2 año atrás Movement of columns of Russian equipment from 13:00 to 14:30 13:30. A large column of about 50 Russian vehicles with "V" marks was moving from Talochyn towards Orsha (Vitebsk region) along the M1 highway
2 año atrás Wargaming @wargaming_net stops its operations in Belarus and Russia, @devby reports
2 año atrás 11:30 A train partially loaded with military equipment was seen at Kalodzishchy railway station (Minsk district). The vehicles are marked with "V"
2 año atrás Ukrainian airborne assault troops in control of Pripyat town and parts of state border between Belarus and Ukraine
2 año atrás Military convoy moving from Kalinkavichy towards Minsk