00:54, 00:57, 00:59 (Minsk time) Seven jet aircraft took off from Luninets (Brest region)
2 рок таму 14:48 (Minsk time) A column of 7 military KamAZ trucks of the Russian Armed Forces with identification marks "V" and "Flammable" signs was moving along the R-149 highway from Zhlobin towards Svetlahorsk. It is notable that the vehicles did not have license plates
Афіцыйна зацверджаны новы пакет санкцый Еўрасаюза аб выключэнні трох беларускіх банкаў з сістэмы SWIFT
01:12, 01:17, 01:23 (Minsk time). It's reported on three more missile launches in the Mazyr district (Gomel region)
Amazon спыніў прыём новых кліентаў хмарных вылічэнняў / AWS у Расіі і Беларусі
2 рок таму New imagery from Baranovichi air base reveals the arrival of another A50 / A100 AWACS to the air base (in addition to those we revealed on March 6th) and 2 Mil Mi-26 helicopters
Nearly 670 missile launches by Russia into Ukraine to date since war began (70 from Belarus, 6 or so coming from Black Sea, most fired from Russia or inside Ukraine ) #UkraineRussianWar -per Sr Defense official
2 рок таму 4 fixed-wing aircraft (likely Belarussian) and 91 helicopters at Machulishchy Air Base in Belarus, yesterday 06 Mar 2022. The amount of helicopters, including 15x Mi-26, vastly exceed the size of the flag-Belarus Air Force, so they are likely Russian
2 рок таму A column of smoke is seen in Rechitsa, near the river Dnieper
Украінская перамоўная дэлегацыя: Трэці раўнд перамоваў з Расеяй не даў вынікаў, якія маглі б палепшыць сітуацыю
2 рок таму Украінская дэлегацыя: некаторыя пазітыўныя зрухі ў лагістыцы гуманітарных калідораў пасля перамоў з Расіяй у Беларусі
Пуцін стварае паток уцекачоў, але няма ніякіх прыкмет таго, што ён выкарыстоўвае гэтыя патокі ўцекачоў, як гэта рабіла Беларусь раней, лічыць высокапастаўлены чыноўнік у сферы абароны ЗША.
У Беларусі неўзабаве пачнецца новы раўнд перамоваў паміж Расеяй і Ўкраінай - памочнік кіраўніка Адміністрацыі прэзыдэнта Ўкраіны Падоляк
2 рок таму 15:40 (Minsk time) Two Mi-8 and Mi-26 helicopters took off from Machulishchy, flying southeast
2 рок таму Advisor to office of President of Ukraine: Negotiations with the Russian Federation. Third round. Beginning at 16.00 Kyiv time. Delegation unchanged
2 рок таму Маніторынг ваенных аэрадромаў у Беларусі паказвае, што на авіябазу ў Баранавічах, прыкладна ў 420 км ад Кіева, прыбылі яшчэ два расейскія самалёты-разведчыкі А-50 (ДРЛО).
AMEX: У сувязі з доўгім неапраўданым нападам Расеі на насельніцтва Украіны American Express прыпыняе ўсе аперацыі ў Расеі. Акрамя таго, карты, выпушчаныя расійскімі банкамі на тэрыторыі Расіі, больш не будуць працаваць за межамі краіны. $ AXP
2 рок таму Two large aircraft on the deck at Gomel Airport in SE Belarus earlier today, some 48 km from the Ukraine border. Their size and shape suggest they are likely Ilyushin Il-76, commonly operated by/for the Russia Military. Imagery: Sentinel-2
Su-35S took off from the airfield in Baranavichy
2 рок таму It's reported that a convoy of at least 10 Rosgvardiya's trucks was moving near Gomel. KamAZ (at the front of the column) with flashing beacons (most likely, it belongs to the division of the Rosgvardiya)
2 рок таму There are 3 fuel tankers of the Russian Armed Forces with the identification mark "V" at the entrance to the 2657th fuel and lubricant base of the Armed Forces of Belarus (military unit 55435) in Baranavichy
2 рок таму presumably one of the fleets of combat vehicles of the 120th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Belarus (Uruchcha micro-district, Minsk). Various vehicles were taken out of the storage units
2 рок таму 17:30-18:00 (Minsk time). A convoy of at least 8 Russian KamAZ trucks with the "V" mark was seen near the village Privolny (Minsk region, Belarus). It can be assumed that some of the vehicles are carrying missiles for "Iskander" systems
2 рок таму Gomel, Savetskaya street. Two Russian PAZ military vehicles were moving north escorted by the police
2 рок таму A convoy of at least 10 KamAZ trucks of the Russian Armed Forces with the identification mark "V" was seen not far from the village Azarychy (Kalinkavichy district, Gomel region). It is reported that the vehicles are moving towards Kalinkavichy (Gomel region)
2 рок таму A convoy of 8-9 Russian KamAZ trucks with "V" mark was moving from the airfield in Machulishchy (Minsk region) towards the R31 highway. "Part of the cargo is covered with protective nets, part – with tarpaulin. It looks like missiles
Zelensky this morning says today will be a test to see whether people can flee Ukraine safely: "Yesterday, during talks [with Russia] in Belarus we agreed to create humanitarian corridors in places, where people suffer the most. Today we will see if the agreement works
Based on "information available", the command of a unit of Belarusian paratroopers has received an order to cross the border into Ukraine, according to a Ukrainian update on Russia's invasion. A combat order would be made after the crossing, it said, without giving dates
22:36, Мазыр: запуск балістычнай ракеты Іскандэр.
2 рок таму ISI reveals: Minsk, Belarus and southwestern Russia, Gathering of aircraft (attack helicopters, fighter jets and cargo planes) at several bases near the Ukrainian border