2 рок таму Лукашэнка прыбыў на Асіповіцкі палігон для прагляду сумесных расійска-беларускіх вучэнняў
2 рок таму Rechitsa, Belarus, Feb. 16. Troop deployement and large convoy heading west. "Most of the equipment and troop housing area that had been present near Rechitsa has departed. A military convoy was seen moving west on today's imagery”
2 рок таму New @Maxar satellite images from the past 48 hours continue to show heightened military activity in Belarus, Crimea, and western Russia. Pics below are from Feb. 15 and show a new pontoon bridge over the Prypyat River in Belarus
2 рок таму У беларускім Сіняўцы быў вывезены вайсковы канвой
2 рок таму Helicopters filmed yesterday at Daraganovo, Belarus
2 рок таму Каля Брагіна разгортваецца ваенны лагер
The Russian Ministry of Finance said that Moscow is ready to help Belarus refinance its debt (in Minsk they said that due to Western sanctions, $3.5 billion is needed)
2 рок таму Military equipment was transported today (16.02) from Asipovichy towards Babruisk (Mogilev region, Belarus) along the M5 highway. Among other things, the video shows the transportation of airborne armored personnel carriers BTR-D and 120-mm self-propelled gun-mortar 2S9 "Nona-S
2 рок таму Дзейнасць у Паліскім радыёэкалагічным запаведніку
2 рок таму Polish border guards: Today in Tołcze, on the Polish-Belarusian border, a press conference was held with the participation of Prime Minister @MorawieckiM, Deputy Minister @WasikMaciej and Chief Commander @StrazGraniczna, Maj. Gen. SG Tomasz Praga
2 рок таму A column of Russian military trucks and tractors was spotted today (16.02), moving from Mozyr towards Babruisk (Mogilev region, Belarus)
2 рок таму Helicopters continue to be spotted in Mogilev region today (16.02), flying from Smolensk region of the Russian Federation
Пасля вучэнняў з Расіяй на тэрыторыі Беларусі не застанецца ні расійскіх вайскоўцаў, ні адзінкі тэхнікі - міністр замежных спраў Беларусі
Russia will not participate in a special meeting in the OSCE on the issue of exercises on the territory of Belarus, - head of the delegation Gavrilov said
2 рок таму Polish Border Guards: yesterday 72 people tried to illegally cross the border between Belarus and Poland. At the Mielnik section, a group of 40 foreigners with the support of the Belarusian services assaulted the border. They were all detained. Among them were citizens of Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Sri Lanka and the Congo
2 рок таму FORTE12 is paying a lot of attention to the border with Belarus just north of Kyiv
2 рок таму Military convoy at M10 road near Kobryn
2 рок таму Pontoon bridge deployed on the river near Ukrainian border
2 рок таму РСЗА Ураган і іншая расейская ваенная тэхніка была заўважаная сёння (15 лютага) у Мазырскім раёне, якая рухалася ў напрамку Лельчыц (Гомельская вобласць, Беларусь), за 10 км ад мяжы з Украінай.
2 рок таму 2x Russian Air Force Il-76MD-90A CTA0558K and RA-76686 en route to Gomel Belarus
2 рок таму Belarusian Ministry of Defense published images of exercise with Tochka ballistic missiles at Polesie in Homiel region
2 рок таму Pinsk (Brest region, Belarus) this morning (15.02). A train with Russian military equipment was heading towards Luninets
2 рок таму Ukrainian Air Force Bayraktar TB2 UAV from Chuhuiv Air Base SE of Kharkiv tracked all the way west past Kyiv, passing near Chornobyl, near the Belarus border. Callsign 12345688
U.S. tells Americans in Belarus to 'leave immediately' due to Russia's military buildup along the Belarus-Ukraine border
2 рок таму Helicopters filmed over Ivye, Belarus
2 рок таму Тэхніка пакінула лагер на поўдзень ад Рэчыцы
2 рок таму Defense Ministers of Belarus and Ukraine in a phone call discussed security situation in the region. Agreed to allow military attaches to the military exercises
2 рок таму Ukranian UAV tracking along Belarusian Border
Ministers of Defense of Ukraine and Belarus had phone call
Падраздзяленні Паветрана-дэсантных войскаў Узброеных сіл Расіі падчас вучэнняў у Беларусі займаюцца ўмацаваннем беларускай дзяржаўнай мяжы - Міністэрства абароны Беларусі