6 Кастрычнік 2024
Military filmed in Naroula, Belorus2 рок таму
Military filmed in Naroula, Belorus
Rechitsa, Belarus. Troops and battle group deployed near the city of Rechitsa, less than 45 kilometers from the border with Ukraine2 рок таму
Rechitsa, Belarus. Troops and battle group deployed near the city of Rechitsa, less than 45 kilometers from the border with Ukraine
Images 11-14: Zyabrovka airfield near Gomel, Belarus; also Rechitsa, Belarus2 рок таму
Images 11-14: Zyabrovka airfield near Gomel, Belarus; also Rechitsa, Belarus
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia filed a formal transparency request under the OSCE rules for Minsk to disclose Belarus-Russia military exercise information as a confidence-building measure
Map of joint activities of Belarus and Russia during drills2 рок таму
Map of joint activities of Belarus and Russia during drills
Latvian Air Force Patrolling over Belarusian border2 рок таму
Latvian Air Force Patrolling over Belarusian border
CJCS Milley spoke with his counterpart from Belarus today2 рок таму
CJCS Milley spoke with his counterpart from Belarus today
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Міністэрства замежных спраў Беларусі выклікала амбасадара Украіны ў сувязі са сцягам у Дняпры
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Pribytki air base south of Gomel: satellite images showing helicopters deployed as well as the usual equipment (tents and vehicles). + Construction work is underway at airfield
Pribytki air base: A field hospital has been setup at the airfield2 рок таму
Pribytki air base: A field hospital has been setup at the airfield
Польскія памежнікі: на польска-беларускай мяжы будуюць шлагбаум. Участак PSGKuźnica вакол Saczkowce2 рок таму
Польскія памежнікі: на польска-беларускай мяжы будуюць шлагбаум. Участак PSGKuźnica вакол Saczkowce
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Міністэрства замежных спраў Беларусі накіравала Украіне ноту пратэсту з патрабаваннем вярнуць чырвона-зялёны сцяг у Дняпры і прабачэння
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Josep Borrell Fontelles:I replied on behalf of the EU Member States to the letters they received from Minister Lavrov. Tensions and disagreements must be resolved through dialogue and diplomacy. We call on Russia to de-escalate and to reverse its military build-up in and around Ukraine and in Belarus
A convoy of Russian military equipment was spotted in Naroulya (Gomel region, Belarus) today. The column included: recovery vehicle (REM KL), T-72B tank of the 1989 model, mobile reconnaissance point PRP-4 on the BMP chassis2 рок таму
A convoy of Russian military equipment was spotted in Naroulya (Gomel region, Belarus) today. The column included: recovery vehicle (REM KL), T-72B tank of the 1989 model, mobile reconnaissance point PRP-4 on the BMP chassis
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Прэзідэнт Украіны асуджае расійска-беларускія вучэнні як сродак псіхалагічнага ціску
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На палігонах у Беларусі пачаліся сумесныя расійска-беларускія вучэнні "Саюзніцкая рашучасць — 2022".
Military convoy filmed in Kursk2 рок таму
Military convoy filmed in Kursk
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У Пэнтагоне сцвярджаюць, што за апошнія суткі Расія накіравала дадатковыя сродкі ўздоўж мяжы з Украінай і Беларуссю.
I wouldn't make a prediction of what it means in terms of a Russian invasion to Ukraine - @PressSec on tomorrow's Russia - Belarus military exercise
Today Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia activated the OSCE Vienna document risk reduction mechanism vis a vis Belarus for the military build up seen in the country. Minsk now has 48 hours to respond
U.S. military helicopters on the way to Poland2 рок таму
U.S. military helicopters on the way to Poland
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Сёньня Лукашэнка падпісаў указ аб вясновым прызыве
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The Ambassador of Belarus was summoned to the Armenian Foreign Ministry after Lukashenka's statements about the republic, - Foreign Minister Mirzoyan said
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Moscow will supply Minsk with any weapons it considers possible, - Russian Ambassador to Belarus Boris Gryzlov
In Belarus, the human rights NGO Viasna added 5 more names to the list of political prisoners.  The total number of  political prisoners in Belarus reached 1,040 as of date2 рок таму
In Belarus, the human rights NGO Viasna added 5 more names to the list of political prisoners. The total number of political prisoners in Belarus reached 1,040 as of date
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Russian Su-35S fighters put on combat duty in Belarus - the Russian Defense Ministry
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Russian-Belarusian exercises do not exceed the limits of troops established by international agreements, -Russian envoy in Belarus Gryzlov said
Ministry of National Defense of Poland: The Minister @mblaszczak is briefing at the Ministry of National Defense with the commanders of Armed Forces of Poland regarding the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border2 рок таму
Ministry of National Defense of Poland: The Minister @mblaszczak is briefing at the Ministry of National Defense with the commanders of Armed Forces of Poland regarding the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border
Расія разгарнула ЗРК С-400 для вучэнняў у Брэсцкай вобласці Беларусі2 рок таму
Расія разгарнула ЗРК С-400 для вучэнняў у Брэсцкай вобласці Беларусі
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Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces Gerasimov has arrived in Belarus where he will check the readiness for the Allied Resolve exercise, - Russian Defense Ministry reports